Oregon Police Chiefs Code of Ethics
As a Police Chief, my fundamental duty is to serve my community in a leadership capacity by directing, controlling and managing the police department. I shall use my training, experience and education to ensure that my community receives professional dedicated police services in a humane, ethical, fair and honest manager. I shall instill in all members of my department the duty to respect the constitutional rights of all people to liberty, equality and justice.
I shall investigate all complaints of police misconduct fairly, thoroughly and completely to insure that police authority is not abused. Likewise, I will defend and protect my employees against unfair and unjust accusations so as to enable them to perform their duties of law enforcement without undue interference of intimidation.
I recognize that as a community leader, I must keep my private life unsullied and be a role model of sobriety, honesty and fidelity. I accept the fact that as Police Chief, I forfeit some rights of privacy that other occupations enjoy.
I shall maintain budgetary and fiscal control of police expenditures to ensure that the limited public funds I administer are expended appropriately and in conformance with budget law and sound fiscal policy.
I will faithfully discharge my duties as a member of the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police. I will accept my obligation to pay dues regularly and to support the organization by active involvement in the affairs of the Association. When I accept assignment to a committee or as an officer, I shall conscientiously fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities.
I recognize my office as a symbol of public trust. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession — Law Enforcement Leadership.