September 16th, 2016: “Ever since 2013, September 27 has been First Responder Appreciation Day in Oregon – but now, Governor Kate Brown is expanding the observance for the first time. In an official proclamation, Gov. Brown is declaring September 21 – 27 to be First Responder Appreciation Week, honoring not only police officers and firefighters but also EMT’s, 911 dispatchers, and search and rescue volunteers.” – Kelsey Watts, FOX 12 Oregon


Oregon First Responder Appreciation Week

University of Oregon showed support at their football game on September 24th

Oregon State University showed support at their football game on September 24th

Words of support given at the Bi-Mart Family Festivals from Country Music Stars

First Reponder Appreciation Week on KPTV and read article here

Bill Schonley encourages Oregonian support for First Responder Appreciation Week